KAZ PC1F Protec Humidifier Tank Cleaner

List Price: $8.99
Item Price : $4.97-$4.97 Check Price
Top Feature :
Reduces up to 99% of odor causing bacteria, unsightly mold and algae growth versus untreated humidifier surfaces

Item Description:

The Protec Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge features a patented antimicrobial, Aquastat, that continuously works to inhibit the growth of bacteria and mold as well as help prevent the buildup of slime in the water and humidifier surfaces. Aquastat contains no harsh chemicals or harsh acids making the cleaning action just as gentle as water on your humidifier surfaces and components. In addition, the Protec Cartridge contains no harmful chemicals while providing fresh, clean mist. The Protec Antimicrobial Cleaning Cartridge uses the same antimicrobial that has been used for years in drinking water filters to prevent objectionable odors, tastes.

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